The richest Pakistani is ridiculed in his homeland

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The richest Pakistani is ridiculed in his homeland


The richest Pakistani is ridiculed in his homeland

The richest Pakistani is ridiculed in his homeland

Dr. Naseem Shahzad is not an ordinary overseas Pakistani, but one of the few richest overseas Pakistanis in the world who love Pakistan. He lives in Singapore and holds citizenship here. His company is one of the five largest engineering companies in the world with a business volume of around twenty-five billion dollars. His company has offices in fifty-five countries including the United States and the United Kingdom. Dozens of high-rise buildings and airports have been built in Dubai, while his company is serving on many important projects in India, including the Delhi Airport. Pakistanis were requested to help, and they always helped more than the requested amount, this is the reason why the government of Pakistan first awarded him the Imtiaz Medal for his services to Pakistan in 2006, while the government of Pakistan has also awarded him the Star of Distinction in 2020 for providing full assistance to Pakistanis in every difficult time in the next fifteen years. Investments of more than a million dollars were trapped in NAB, FIA and court problems in Pakistan, they were defamed in the media, but no organization and no personality came to take this Pakistani who loves Pakistan out of the quagmire of problems.In 2006, seeing the reputation of his company, during the Musharraf era, he was contacted by the establishment to design a Dubai-style coastal city on the coast of Karachi, after which his company signed with DHA on the construction of eight luxury high-rise residential towers on the coast of Karachi. The total cost of these projects was more than five hundred million dollars, but two projects were withdrawn from his company at the beginning, while he started the construction of a twin tower at a cost of one billion rupees, for which his company hired Chinese contractors, but due to the situation in Karachi in 2007 and 2008, the Chinese contractors left the project in the middle, after which they hired a local contractor who signed some shares along with the investment agreement in the project, but the local conductor was unable to fulfil the terms of his agreement and could not make the said investment in the project, and started demanding the return of the little investment with a lot of profit. Sam Shehzad's name was put in ECL, and tried to harm him in Singapore through a big political figure, but even today, Naseem Shehzad wants to complete his project and has his problem in the Special Investment Facilitation Council, which is made by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif for foreign investors, which includes important ministries and army chief of Pakistan. want to take them so that they can get justice, it is hoped that the government and the establishment will take important steps to protect this patriotic overseas Pakistani from harassment so that overseas Pakistanis can maintain their trust in their government and country.

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