This "news" will not work

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This "news" will not work


This "news" will not work

Where journalists are missing and journalism is also missing, where this order is issued from Qasr Shahi, "This news will not be published", its name cannot be taken, there even unverified news cannot be published. Sometimes the fear of newspapers or channels being shut down, sometimes advertisements being shut down, sometimes torture for not telling "sources" and sometimes sedition cases..... Unfortunately, the decisions that should be made by the media stakeholders themselves are going to be handed over to the rulers of the space today. The news is confirmed as soon as it happens, otherwise, it is disinformation or misinformation, but the authority of the newspaper editor or channel head is generally there. Not the Ministry of Information which itself has been the most effective source of disinformation since its inception. Can't even confirm the unknown call. Journalism is declining today and this news is confirmed. Now who will decide what are the causes of this decline and who is responsible? But in this insignificant opinion, journalistic rules and regulations should be decided in-house and not through a PEMRA, PECA, or Press Ordinance. Now, the fragmentation among journalists has increased to such an extent that there are dozens of groups, associations and organizations.

Fake news or disinformation is a killer poison for journalism, but in this race of media, social media, which is a major source of it, is at the forefront and print media, which is considered the most balanced despite all the flaws, is the most in this race. is behind Here, the culture of giving news from "sources" is very common. It is also one of the journalistic principles that the reporter does not tell the sources of his news to anyone except the editor or the owner. It is his responsibility to do it.

A few years ago today, this issue came under discussion in the Supreme Court because the news was also about the de-notification of those judges who were not only forced to resign by General Pervez Musharraf but also detained. In 2007, there was a movement for his restoration and in 2009, he was restored after a few months, this news went through the sources. The news created an uproar and was denied by the government late at night. But the matter did not end there. A commission was formed, chaired by Mr Hameed Haroon of Dawn, which included representatives of all media stakeholders and the Secretary of the Ministry of Information. The anchors of all the "talk shows" that took place that evening were called to give a statement and then the relevant reporter, because after the government's denial, the burden was on the journalist to provide evidence if he was true to the news. If there is a case, it was a very interesting "case" of its kind, at the end of which Hon'ble Hameed Haroon said some seven or eight In the page-long decision, it was written that the journalist does not disclose his sources, however, when any news is of a sensitive nature and in which there is a fear that the matter may go to some extent, then it is necessary and better to disclose it from more than one source. To be confirmed. Later it was found that the news was leaked by a "judge" of the Supreme Court.

In the hands of the government and the state there is also power and authority, in the hands of non-state actors are weapons and the target of all three is the journalist, newspaper or channel. There was a time in this country when newspapers were required to print MQM press releases as staff reports. Then there was a time when Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or sectarian organizations, especially in KP and Balochistan, used to issue instructions on which page and how many columns this "news" would appear. It also happened that the Balochistan High Court upheld the sedition charges against the editors of the newspapers for publishing this news. He knew it and so did the managers. In case of any problem, the editor had the courage to take responsibility. So if you want to fight forced journalism in this country, God bless you and restore the institution of the editor.

Recently, the Pakistan Media Regulatory Authority, PEMRA Amendment Bill regarding electronic media was approved in the last session of the National Assembly. The Minister of Information is also very happy, the PBA, the TV Owners' Association, has congratulated him and the Minister has also named the leaders of a journalists' organization as part of the consultation. I wish the Minister of Information would have read the "Media Commission Report 2013" by Mr Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid and former Information Minister Javed Jabbar a few years ago regarding PEMRA because they object that those who are objecting to the PEMRA Amendment Bill. They have not read the bill. Now what can I say about this a few years ago in the Muslim League government, a bill regarding the press was to be presented in the National Assembly and the Information Minister did not know. However, the good thing was that they immediately took action against these officers.

The 300-page report of this commission contains a very concrete and workable proposal regarding the restructuring of Pemra in which Pemra can become an independent and autonomous body. Chairman PEMRA and Grievance Cell should appoint a six-member committee consisting of the Leader of the House and the Leader of the Opposition from both houses and three members from civil society and media. This committee should recommend three names to the Prime Minister for the chairman of Pemra, out of which one should be nominated as the chairman. The committee should appoint the council itself. In this way, the government, the opposition and civil society can contribute to the formation of PEMRA. It is a good thing that the government is concerned about disinformation and all professional journalists, including me.

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