Hiroshima: 78 years have passed since the first nuclear attack in the world

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Hiroshima: 78 years have passed since the first nuclear attack in the world

Hiroshima: 78 years have passed since the first nuclear attack in the world

 Hiroshima: 78 years have passed since the first nuclear attack in the world

Hiroshima: 78 years have passed since the first nuclear attack in the world

During the Second World War, on August 6, 1945, the United States launched the first nuclear attack on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

More than 140 thousand people were killed in Hiroshima in this nuclear explosion.

This nuclear attack on Hiroshima took place at 8:16, for which B-29 bomber aircraft were used.

Hiroshima was a city of military importance to Japan. It was also an important port with a supply and logistics base, where warships were manufactured.

That is, the city was also a communications center where 40,000 soldiers were stationed, providing support to the Japanese navy.

It should be remembered that at that time, the main power and conquests were based on the navy, and because of its powerful navy, Japan was in control of Southeast Asia, even China.

3 days after the first nuclear explosion, on August 9, 1945, a second nuclear attack took place on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, resulting in the death of approximately 74,000 people.

6 days after these terrible nuclear explosions, on August 15, the arms were surrendered to the United States and thus the Second World War came to an end.

The atomic bomb has not been used since then, although many countries in the world 

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